Monday, May 18, 2009

Late May Fun

Well, the end of May has roasted us with some very hot weather and we've been enjoying the pool...(all except Charlotte). Lorelei would love to live in the pool along with Baxter! The girls have been up to their normal antics of playing and fighting. Charlotte has become very willful lately and lets her sister (and parents) know how she feels by ear-piercing screeches. Oh boy. We'll be putting a stop to that! Lorelei is still a very tolerant and sweet big sister but once she reaches her limit, all bets are off. As a result she's become quite a regular in her time-out spot. And because practice makes perfect, she is now able to articulate very well the reason she was placed there each time! Hug-and-kiss apologies are often not well received by Charlotte but Lorelei feels that until her little sister is smothered into submission to receive the hug and kiss, her debt has not been payed...then Charlotte gets irritated and the vicious cycle continues! Despite the drama, for the most part the girls play together very well. Charlotte loves to imitate EVERYTHING Lorelei does. She cut two new teeth and she has been working on her first independant steps this week. Soon she'll be running behind Lorelei without the use of the push cart! Lorelei has been making up songs left and right and she entertains us in the evenings until we nicely ask her to quit. May has been a fun month and we know there will be many more memorable moments to come in June.

Here are some photos:

Charlotte Lola late May 09


Charlotte our little spider

Just like the spider in the movie "Charlotte's Web", our little Charlotte is quite the climber. Here are a few shots of her in action. Yes, she causes us a heart-attack at least once a day.

Check her out...and hold your breath!

Charlotte the climber 11.5 months May 09


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Goodbye dear friend

Many of you will remember the dear friend of ours who stood guard on the porch of every place that Matt and I called home: our beloved cast-concrete E.T. Matt "acquired" him from a college buddy and ever since he has been with us through each move and change. He traveled with us from Sacramento to Eureka where he adorned two different porches...and then on to Orange County and then to each of our houses in Lodi. But last night he was taken. We are so sad. We had hoped that my brother had taken him as a joke but no...he is gone. We knew we were taking a chance by having him in our front yard but everyone knew our place by our E.T. I will be posting an ad on Craigslist if we can come up with some sort of "reward". Maybe we'll wake up tomorrow and he'll be back in our front yard. That would be cool. I just hope some dumb teenagers didn't steal him to shoot at him with a BB gun or smash him in the road somewhere. If they did steal him, I hope they were on bikes and I hope they put him in a basket on the front. He would have liked that. But instead, I would like to think that maybe his spaceship just came to take him home. If that was what happened, we're ok with it.

Here are some photos of our dear E.T.



11 months old!

Well, Charlotte is now 11 months old. How can this be? Her new trick is that she blows is so adorable. Here are some photos of her:

Charlotte 11 months


April photos

Here are photos from the rest of April. Overall it was a good month and the girls are growing and changing by leaps and bounds! Charlotte is running all over the house behind her push cart chasing her sister everywhere she goes. She loves to feed herself finger foods and now waves, shakes her head "no, no", says "Mama", "Dada", "Dog", "naw, naw" (no, no) and gives hugs and kisses on demand. She climbs anything in her path and loves to sneak over to our indoor plants and eat the bark and dirt whenever she can. Poor Lorelei...she is having to learn to deal with a very grabby baby sister who claims things with her slobber and chews on all of her coloring books! But overall, Lorelei is a very patient, loving big sister. She is very helpful to Mommy and loves Charlotte to pieces. Lorelei's vocabulary never ceases to amaze us as well as the clarity with which she speaks. She has great little sayings like, "oh dear" and "hey there Mommy-o" and "no way Jose!" She is potty trained (#1), but we are still working on #2. Lorelei is a dancin' fool and will move to the beat of anything! She loves spotting police cars on the road since Uncle Kyle drives on of those cars and she lives and dies for time at the park. Lola also loves to help clean and works alongside Daddy when he mows the lawn or tends the garden. What a big girl she has become! We are so proud of her. Our girls keep us busy and we love them to pieces but Matt and I find enjoyment in the little moments we have alone after the girls are in bed!!!

2009-04-16 Charlotte Lola April 2009

2009-04-17 Charlotte Lola April 2009

2009-04-22 Charlotte Lola April 2009