Our little Ellie is one month old today! Time flies when you have an easy newborn. She is a piece of cake! We love every minute with her and look forward to what the next months will bring...but we hope they don't go too fast!
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Ellie 1 month! |
We have lived in so many places over the past several years this is our best attempt at staying in touch and keeping everyone we've met, lived near, see too little of or just don't get a chance to catch up with often, up to date with our family.
Our little Ellie is one month old today! Time flies when you have an easy newborn. She is a piece of cake! We love every minute with her and look forward to what the next months will bring...but we hope they don't go too fast!
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Ellie 1 month! |
Posted by
9:16 PM
This past week has been a smooth one...Ellie has fit in perfectly and is so content to just sleep or to just quietly observe our household's crazy happenings that we are shaking our heads in disbelief! We've never had a baby like this! She is sleeping much better at night and gets up about every three hours to feed, burp, poop and then goes back down. She is very tolerant of her big sisters and LOVES to lay in Lorelei's arms as she sings songs to her from the Disney movies. Charlotte has been holding Ellie more too if only for a few seconds. Ellie is starting to get a lot stronger and holds her head up quite well and turns towards our voices and reacts to our movements. Today was her due date...November 17th, so as of today she is officially "fully baked"! We are having lots of fun with her and are so blessed to have three beautiful little girls in our life.
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Ellie and girls November 2010 |
Posted by
8:26 PM
Here are photos of the girls on Halloween this year! Matt and I were trying to get home from the hospital with Ellie to see some of the festivities. The girls enjoyed their night of trick-or-treating with family and looked adorable too!
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Halloween 2010 |
Posted by
4:41 PM
Here are some highlights from Ellie's first week home. It has been a fun, smooth ride. We love how she rounds out our family!
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Ellie Kate first week, Nov. 2010 |
Posted by
3:49 PM
Our new addition has arrived and we are tickled pink. Thanks to all of you for your love and support!
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Ellie Kate's Birth, Oct 30, 2010 |
Posted by
9:20 PM
I am close to the point in my pregnancy where I delivered Charlotte! This makes the impending arrival of baby number three feel very real and close! (lets hope). Here's to making it to almost 37 weeks (and hopefully meeting the baby soon!)
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Just shy of 37 weeks pregnant! |
Posted by
12:18 PM
Here are some fun photos from Kyle and Aimee's Halloween Party the other night...they really did it up right! Lots of fun costumes, great company and good food! (and no kiddos which was nice). Thanks guys!
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October and Halloween party 2010 |
Posted by
12:15 PM
Here are some sweet photos snapped at a spur-of-the-moment afternoon visit to the Elrods! These kiddos are so cute!
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cousin fun Oct 2010 |
Posted by
12:13 PM
Right after waking up the other morning, Lorelei offered to read a book to a grouchy Charlotte. Here are a few photos I snapped. These moments melt my heart!
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Book worms Oct 2010 |
Posted by
12:11 PM
Lorelei did great during her 4 year checkup today. She came home with 6 bandaids (two on each arm for shots, a TB test bandaid and a finger-prick bandaid) and LOTS of stickers. She is a whopping 29 pounds and is 37.5" tall. What a peanut! She did great and was very chatty with the nurses and Doctor but was not too keen about going potty in the cup.
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Lorelei 4 year checkup |
Posted by
11:59 AM
Posted by
10:54 PM
On Tuesday Lorelei's preschool took a trip to Fog Willow Pumpkin Farm for a fun little field trip! Grandma ended up taking both girls and Mommy stayed at home (too much walking for me at this point...I am pretty darn uncomfortable!). Grandma took LOTS of photos and the girls had a blast petting animals, climbing hay mountains and learning about the farm.
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Pumpkin Farm 2010 |
Posted by
10:34 PM
This past weekend was my sister-in-law Ali and her hubby-t0-be, Brad's engagement party at the Baker house. What a beautiful night it was in so many ways. First of all the Baker's house and yard was done up to the nines and looked as if it could have been the site of a wedding! There were beautiful table decorations and linens along with fabulous food. The weather was beautiful: cool, not much wind and we lucked out because the next day it poured! The guests were a lot of fun and we all enjoyed getting to know Brad's side of the family as well as the rest of the bridal party. I feel so short next to all of these gorgeous, statuesque gals! Gonna need some spike heals to blend in with this group. The dinner was an adult-only affair and it was so nice to be able to have full conversations with people instead of having to keep an eye on the kiddos! Alice looked amazing in her "engagement dress" that she had been holding onto for the occasion and Brad looked to be glowing and was dressed-to-impress. They make a beautiful couple and we cannot wait to see them wed! (next July) Brad is a stellar guy and I could not be prouder to call him my brother-in-law. Matt and Brad have become great buddies and often eat lunch together at PG&E where they both work. It is so fun to see our family continue to grow and we wish Brand and Ali nothing but what they deserve: the best. Love you guys!
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Ali Brad Engagement |
Posted by
10:09 PM
Hi Family and Friends!
Now that I've made it to 36 weeks (FINALLY!) and will probably be delivering soon, I thought it would be fun to post an album of my pregnancy in time-lapse! My oh my, what a journey.
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Baby #3 pregnancy |
Posted by
9:54 PM
Some good news: I am officially released from modified bedrest after 10 weeks of it! Thanks to my super helpful hubby and my Mom who has been helping me out a TON each day with the girls along with the rest of our families and friends I have made it to almost full-term! I had my doctor appointment yesterday and after doing a sonogram on the baby and seeing that she was a good size already (6 lbs 7oz) and that she looked to be doing well, Dr. Hickox said that I can go off of my anti-contraction medication and do what activities I feel like doing! I am starting to dilate and efface so things appear to be beginning to move towards deliver. Since I delivered both girls at around 37 and 38 weeks I am thinking that we may very well have a baby before (or on) Halloween! Thanks to all of you for your encouragement, prayers and well wishes over the past few months. We are very much looking forward to meeting our new baby girl.
Here's a photo of me, just shy of 36 weeks at my sister-in-law's engagement party:
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pregnancy number 3, almost 36 weeks |
Posted by
9:12 PM
Ok...for all of you out there that enjoy a freak-show every now and then, here's a sideways shot of me at almost 36 weeks pregnant at my friend Kassi's baby shower. I feel like I might tip over. This baby has to be bigger than Lorelei and Charlotte were. I have a checkup tomorrow with my Doc and I will update you again then!
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October 2010 Pregnancy #3 35.5 weeks |
Posted by
11:18 PM
Here is our wagon-o-plenty. We took it around the neighborhood to try to off-load some produce on our neighbors!
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October 2010 bounty |
Posted by
11:16 PM
Some of you may remember the notorious "caught in the act" photo of my girls with maker all over their face in a "mugshot" after they were caught. Stickers all over their faces is a whole different story. No problem! And what's funny is that my Mom had as many stickers on her face as they did!
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October 2010 girls |
Posted by
11:11 PM
The girls LOVED this inflatable tunnel at the Pumpkin Patch, but it slightly disturbed Matt and I. Take a look.
From Bounce Tunnel FAIL! |
Posted by
8:55 PM
We took the girls up to an obscure Pumpkin Patch in Auburn over the weekend and were pleasantly surprised with the set-up and the girls had a blast! Here are photos from our day (perhaps one of our last little family day-trips with just the four of us!)
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October 2010 fun with the girls! |
Posted by
8:52 PM
I had not posted a belly shot in a few weeks but here I am! All 33 weeks of me! Crazy belly, huh? This baby must be a true "Baker Baby" ! I go in tomorrow for a checkup and will post any significant news then. My contractions are becoming stronger and are lasting longer, even on the medication. So, I have a feeling that something is changing. We will see! I am getting pretty darn tired of my couch and bed but the girls keep me smiling and my helpers keep me sane!
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Pregnancy number three 33 weeks |
Posted by
8:37 PM
As the birth of baby girl number three quickly approaches I wanted to post some of my favorite photos of me with my FIRST two girls over the past several years. They will be wonderful big sisters but they will always be my babies.
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Mommy and girls favorites! |
Posted by
8:28 PM
Every year I try to compile a photo collage for the kids birthday. Here is Lorelei's "4th year collage"! I can't believe that four years have passed.
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From Collage of Lorelei's 4th year |
Posted by
9:59 AM
Our little nephew (and Godson) Ethan Elrod turned 4 on September 14th (just 12 days after Lorelei). We celebrated with dinner and cupcakes at the Elrod home and the kiddos wore themselves out on the trampoline in the heat of the sun. What a great day!
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Ethan's 4th Birthday 2010 |
Posted by
9:56 AM
Back on August 21st (Chrissy's 30th Birthday), her husband Mando arranged a surprise evening of fun! We took a limo ride up to the John Mayer Concert in Marysville with 13 of us! What a blast. Chrissy was very surprised and everyone had a wonderful time!
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Chrissy's 30th Birthday, Aug 2010 |
Posted by
9:53 AM
Matt decided that it would be fun to take the girls up the mountain for a camping trip one more time before it became too cold and before the new baby came. Mommy had a very nice, relaxing (strangely quiet) weekend to herself but was ready for their return! Daddy's good buddy Brandon Harbin joined them with his oldest son, Brenden while his wife Laurie stayed at home with their three week old son Travis. They all had a blast and came back very tired and very dirty!
Here are photos from the weekend courtesy of Brandon Harbin!
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Matt camping with kids late Sept 2010 |
Posted by
9:49 AM
Yes, the day finally arrived. After seven months of hearing, "Mommy, when do I have preschool", (ever since we sat in on the preschool class), Lorelei finally had her first day! She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. She wore the new dress from Granny and Poppy, her new shoes, her new backpack and had her hair done "pretty". We were so excited for her to start this phase of her life but at the same time we had a sort of sadness in our hearts as we realized that it was the end of an era. For the next 12+ years she would be attending school and would never again just be home with me. It was a precious time having her all to myself but I guess its time to let her spread her wings!
She had a wonderful first day and met lots of new friends. She is already counting the minutes until Thursday when she goes to preschool again!
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Lorelei's first day of Preschool 9-7-10 |
Posted by
8:59 PM
We had a blast in the pool on Memorial Day with some of our friends. The girls were in the pool for hours and had so much fun playing on the tubes! What nice weather and great company!
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Labor Day 2010 pool fun! |
Posted by
8:57 PM
We just returned from a very fun and warm Birthday celebration for Miss Lorelei at her favorite park! It is hard to believe that she is 4! She had a blast with all of her little friends. I think we had about 18 kiddos there and close to 30 adults! What a blast! We love you Lorelei! "4" is going to be a big year! Preschool starts Tuesday and then a new baby sister will be next!
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Lorelei's 4th Birthday partyA |
Posted by
7:52 PM
I had forgotten to post these when they were taken! Here is baby Baker girl at 26 weeks. The sonographer captured some great photos!
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26 week baby number 3 |
Posted by
8:18 AM
By far, the two favorite gifts given to Lorelei by Mommy and Daddy! I just love these photos. Dress up is their favorite activity and they were in 7th heaven wearing these new outfits! Lorelei was nice enough to "give" one to Charlotte to use!
Today Lorelei had her Preschool Open House! We met her teachers, classmates and explored all of the fun activities. Lorelei had so much fun showing Daddy and Charlotte around since she and Mommy had already been for a visit. Lorelei starts this coming Tuesday and is SO excited. She keeps asking, "I get to go by myself, right?" We'll see if this confidence lasts!
Happy, Happy Birthday our darling little girl! Four years has sure flown by.
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Charlotte Lorelei early September 2010 |
Posted by
8:58 PM
What a day! Thanks to all who joined us for Matt's surprise day of floating down the Mokelumne River in tubes! Boy was it cold! A high of 75 with a chance of rain in late August? What? Regardless, everyone sucked it up and put their butts in the water in honor of Matt. Everyone had a blast and we hope to make this an annual event (but with warmer weather next year!).
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Matt's 30th birthday |
Posted by
8:33 PM
Here are a few belly shots from almost 29 weeks! We're getting there! I am trying to take it easy to keep this little one in a bit longer! "Bedrest", modified or not, is not my idea of a good time. But this little gal is worth it!
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pregnancy 3, almost 29 weeks |
Posted by
4:55 PM
As most of you know, I have a small business, Punkiboo Designs. I hand paint fun and funky images on organic cotton baby onesies and try to sell them at a reasonable price: $25. My onesies are available on etsy.com at www.etsy.com/shop/punkiboo.....but so are other "hand painted" onesies. Most are amazing. But here is one that sells for $14. Yikes. First of all, puff paint is no longer a "must have" in the world of art supplies(or wardrobes)and secondly, it looks like a really badly decorated Safeway birthday cake! I don't mean to sound like a jerk or to sound like I am a critically acclaimed professional artist (which I am not) who sells hundreds of pieces of clothing every week. I am SO far from that. I am just a stay at home mom who loves art and creating one-of-a-kind baby apparal (while making some money) selling what I believe to be a quality product. I only mean to avoid my "hand painted" shirts from being grouped with preschool arts and crafts. Take my advice...pay the extra 11 dollars. Yikes.
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puff paint nightmare |
Posted by
7:59 PM
For as much as our girls argue and annoy one another, they really are great friends and playmates!
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Charlotte Lola playing early August 2010 |
Posted by
9:13 PM
Here are a few more photos from the past few weeks...what a nice summer it has been! Not too hot which is perfect for me!
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last of swimming lessons July 2010 |
Posted by
7:59 AM
Here is a "Battle of the Bellies" photo of myself and my friend Laurie who is ten weeks ahead of me! She is expecting her second boy, and of course you know that we are expecting our third girl!
All is well with the Baker clan...Matt started his new job at PG&E and LOVES it! We are so thankful! The girls are finishing up their last week of swimming lessons. Lorelei is a little fish! She does a great freestyle stroke and is working on her side breathing. Diving for rings is her favorite activity in the pool! Charlotte is still mastering the art of closing her mouth when she goes under the water but she LOVES to "monkey crawl", working her way around the edge of the pool hand over hand. She also is quite good at floating and jumping to her instructor. Matt and I celebrated our fifth anniversary this past week and enjoyed a kid-free "stay-cation" this pas weekend! The kiddos were shared between the grandparents and Matt and I spent the mornings sleeping in and the days filled with whatever we wanted to do! We saw a great movie: Inception, and had some great dinners out in downtown Lodi. We even sat in a Boarders Bookstore with our coffees and read for hours....because we could! What a nice time it was but it was even nicer to get our girls back!
A couple of weekends ago we took the girls camping for one night out in the delta. We went with our friends/neighbors the Espinosas and their two girls Kloee and Annalisa! What a blast we had. Even though it took quite a while for our girls to settle down and go to sleep in our tent, everyone had a great time roasting marshmallows, playing down at the river and digging in the dirt!
Tyler, Matt's best man from his wedding came to visit us several weeks ago from Manhattan where he is an FBI agent. We LOVED spending time with him even if the visit was short. The girls fell in love with him (typical reaction of females to Tyler's presence). We were sad to see him go but are hoping to take up his offer for a free place to stay in New York soon!
Times have been busy but fun...and they will only be getting busier I expect!
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24 weeks pregnant #3 |
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Swimming lessons both girls July 2010 |
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Camping with Espinosas, July 2010 |
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Charlotte Lola early July 2010 |
Posted by
7:59 AM
We've rounding the 20 week, "half-way" mark and are flying through our fifth month of pregnancy! WOW. In less than four months we will be meeting our little baby girl. Hard to believe! Another thing that is hard to believe is my belly! Man oh man. I don't remember being so pregnant looking at this point during my other pregnancies. I am starting to worry about where the next 18 weeks are going to fit! I posted some photos here of my belly during week 21 (self-portraits in the mirror) and some very brave swimsuit belly shots from this week (into our 23rd week now). I may regret these. Oh well. Anyway, I am feeling well and despite some heartburn and tossing and turning during the nights while trying to find a comfortable position for both me and the baby, things are going well! We will keep you posted!
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21 weeks pregnant #3 |
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22 weeks pregnant #3 |
Posted by
9:28 PM
Our dear friend, Kristen Gould (one of our Humboldt friends) visited us on Father's Day evening when cousins April and Larry brought her by on her way to the airport to return to Humboldt! Lorelei had not seen her since she was 10 months old and Charlotte had never met her! The girls took to Kristen quickly and enjoyed sitting on her lap and showing off for her! It was such a nice visit with Kristen, April and Larry. We hated to see them leave. We hope to get up to Humboldt for a long weekend trip in the next several months. See you then!
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Kristen's visit...Father's Day 2010 |
Posted by
9:05 AM
Well, we are approaching the long-awaited 20 week mark and are 19 weeks pregnant now! Wow. These past several weeks have flown by. In another week we will hopefully find out whether Baby Baker #3 is a boy or girl! We will keep you "posted"!
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Pregnancy number 3, 19 weeks |
Posted by
9:03 AM
We are now in the second trimester (well, actually 4 weeks into it) and things are going really well! We are starting our 18th week and I have my next checkup in about 6 days. Then I will schedule my 20 week sonogram, otherwise known as the "gender scan". So, exciting news to come! Keep checking back with us!
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17 weeks pregnant #3 |
Posted by
1:34 PM
Hello all! Well, here is a photo of me, pregnant with Baby Baker #3 at 13 weeks. The baby is sure making itself known in my profile now! I am feeling pretty good (energy level is rising) and I have my next checkup on Monday. About 4-6 weeks later we'll have our gender-scan! Exciting times for the Baker family!
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13 weeks |
Posted by
8:52 PM
Hi everyone! Well, we are a week shy of being out of the first trimester! (Thank Goodness). Although I have had hardly any nausea I have been dealing with freqent, intense migraines. These usually lessen in frequency as I enter the "teen" weeks of pregnancy. My energy level has picked up a bit and I am sleeping better at night. Lorelei is quite excited about being a BIG big sister to a new little baby- although she has put in her request for a boy. Don't know if I'll be able to deliver on that one. We still have eight of so weeks until we can find out the gender of the baby but until then I am having fun imagining life with EITHER a boy or another little girl. Matt and I have started to browse baby name books again and the "girl name" sections of our books are well-worn. Perhaps we'll be able to flip through the crisp and brand-new looking "boy name" section with this baby?? I have found that baby #3 makes its presence known a bit earlier than baby #1 or #2 as my pants are already tight and a little belly is starting to show. Oh well. We are focused on enjoying this pregnancy and savoring each moment in case it is our last. I have another checkup in a couple of weeks...it seems strange to go so long between visits since I was going every week for the first 8 weeks! We will keep you updated on all things pregnancy. Keep your prayers and positive energy flowing as we continue this journey with Baby Baker #3!
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week 11 of pregnancy #3 |
Posted by
Matthew Baker
11:12 AM
Here are a few photos from the past week or so. The girls had a blast on Easter (those photos to come) but here are some photos of their Easter Egg Hunt at the Lange Twins Winery from the day before. What a blast! And here are a few more photos of the girls posing together outside. Such hams.
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Charlotte Lola April 2010 |
Posted by
10:05 PM